Is there any plan to support in Firefox the web3 extensions like Opera Browser?
To facilitate the massive adoption of crypto will be necessary to have a better UX allowing the users to interact with crypto currencies natively from the browser. This would allow seamless integrations and not making necessary to install plugins like Metamask. Opera is supporting the web3 extensions supporting Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC20 tokens, etc. The usage of Opera makes easier to make and receive payments and giving to the final user more security about the transactions made. https://www.opera.com/crypto
What are the plans of Mozilla/Firefox about this?
All Replies (2)
FYI this is End user Help forum not a support ticket request. I doubt firefox is going to make such options as they most likely have addons you can install for such actions.
This API?
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Web/API/Web_Crypto_API
- Bug 865789 - (web-crypto) Implement W3C Web Crypto API
(please do not comment in bug reports