Message composition font size question
I would like to send Thunderbird messages with Calibri font and in 11 point size. The "medium" font size is 12 point and the "small" is 10. Is there a way to use 11 point? I know the recipient can have their viewer set at different viewing fonts. The issue is, on a string of messages when I have it set at medium/12, the font of my message is too big at 12 and too small at 10. 11 is the Goldilocks number--at least for me. Any suggestions? See the attachment.
Alle Antworten (2)
You probably want to keep the defaults in Options/Composition/General, but if you prefer different fonts for display, go to Options/Display/Formatting/Fonts & Colors/Advanced and set the fonts and sizes (in pixels, which are about 50% smaller than points) with Fonts for: Latin and repeat for Fonts for: Other Writing Systems.
Thanks for this. I will give it a try.