my firefox icon to click and get online, goes away when i logoff?
when i get ready to click the icon with the fox on it, i have to go to the top button with the ubuntu logo and click & show apps, the first one is the firefox globe, i click on it & it goes to my sidebar & gets me online! when i logoff it goes away, and i have to retrieve it again! it's suposed to stay?
Ŋuɖoɖo si wotia
The Firefox version from the Ubuntu repositories sometimes behaves differently than the official Firefox version from the Mozilla server, so you can try that version to see if is works better.
You can possibly contact Ubuntu for support.
Xle ŋuɖoɖo sia le goya me 👍 0All Replies (7)
Ɖɔɖɔɖo si wotia
The Firefox version from the Ubuntu repositories sometimes behaves differently than the official Firefox version from the Mozilla server, so you can try that version to see if is works better.
You can possibly contact Ubuntu for support.
Is that sidebar part of the Ubuntu operating system or part of Firefox?
If it is part of Ubuntu then best would be to contact Ubuntu for support.
FIREFOX GLOBE! click on to get online, it is supposed to stay put? UBUNTU has nothing to do with it!!!
hello maikoas1111,
please try to explain in more detail what you think should happen and what actually happens - you can attach screenshots of the behavior you describing - that could clear a lot of questions!
sunny greetings stefan
HEY STEFAN! thanks for the reply! there is a sidebar, with icons; UBUNTOO, FILES, APP'S, SETTINGS & at the bottom FIREFOX GLOBE, ICON, LOGO, or what ever you call it? i have to CLICK on the FIREFOX GLOBE to logon the INTERNET! every time i logoff, and then return, i have to go to APP'S and retrieve it?? it's not supposed to go away???
hello maikoas1111,
i have no Ubuntu myself to try it directly on. but i found a official screenshot.
We have to clarify some wording here too: you can not login or logoff from the Internet with Firefox. for me login means connecting and logoff means disconnect - however this task is handled by your Operating System or your Router.
what you eventually mean is starting Firefox and exiting Firefox - this just means opening a program and closing a program. and this are tasks that are partly handled by your Operating system!
and regarding this - the sidebar from the screenshot is part of your Operating System (=Ubuntu). for details on this i just had a quick look at the Ubuntu Help: https://help.ubuntu.com/ here it is important to choose what version of your system you currently use. if you don't know this - i think the quickest way to reveal is
- hit Alt+F2 Key-Combination
- there should pop up a text-input field
- there you type "about" - and then chose the entry titled "About System" or something similar from the appearing list.
- This opens up a Window that shows your System Version and other related information
if your System Version is
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
this means this Sidebar is called Launcher.
and in the help Topic
Use the Launcher to start applications
there is a Link to the Sub-Topic Titled
Change which applications show in the Launcher
where you find the following:
To add an application to the Launcher for quick access:
- Drag the application's icon from the Dash onto the Launcher.
- Alternatively, when an application is running, right click on the application icon and select Lock to Launcher.
and that means it is correct behavior that the Firefox Symbol vanishes if you close the application and only shows up if you start it again at this sidebar! --> and it is Ubuntu related - not FIrefox itself.
if your System Version is Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) or newer have a look in the Start applications Guide and the sub section Pin your favorite apps to the dash
and please consider searching / reading the official help and also AskUbuntu next time too. These a great resource!
hope you can get your desired behavior with this Information. (and if so please mark as solved)
sunny greetings stefan