when keyboard is minimized the area behind the keyboard is not rendered
After a web search via the top toolbar, when the keyboard is minimized the area behind the keyboard is not rendered. At this point, if I open the menu and bookmark the page, the "Saved in Bookmarks" message pops up at the bottom of the page, and then the area behind the keyboard is rendered. After that, the keyboard and the area behind it works fine, when the keyboard shows and hides. If I open a new tab and do a web search there, the same thing happens ie no render behind keyboard. If I go back to the previous tab, it also re-acquires the problem.
If I touch and hold (for the copy-paste context menu) when the problem occurs, the un-rendered area renders instantly.
If, when the keyboard is visible, I press and hold for the context menu and choose "select all" and then minimize the keyboard, the area is not rendered. If at that point I tap anywhere to clear the selection, the selection clears and the keyboard reappears. If I then minimize the keyboard, the area behind it is rendered correctly.
That doesn't happen with other browsers. It happens with default and other keyboards. I've been using Firefox since I got the phone (Samsung S9+) and this just started happening a week ago. I am on android 10.
This is probably device, UI and Android version specific. Just throwing it there in case someone gets an idea. Thanks