Sidebar in Windows 11 Pro
I am so frustrated. Although I'm relatively computer literate, I cannot find a way to stop that sidebar from opening up on Firefox Browser 133.0. I'm using Windows 11 P… (xle nububuwo)
I am so frustrated. Although I'm relatively computer literate, I cannot find a way to stop that sidebar from opening up on Firefox Browser 133.0. I'm using Windows 11 Pro. I can find no button that allows me to either delete it or prevent it from opening. For heavens sake, not everyone wants all this stuff. I just want a great browser with minimal things to have to deal with. It is irritating to have to deal with this when there appears to be no simple solution to get rid of it. I do not feel comfortable with having to try to delete a profile element. Just give me the button to say I don't want it showing up when I open Firefox on my computer. It can't be that difficult. I use the menu bar at the top of the page to deal with bookmarks. I don't need a sidebar. Give me the option to get rid of it. It will always be there to hit the button on again if I choose to but I know I never will. It interferes with my page. If it isn't fixing something that is broken, and you want to try new things, fine. But give me the option to delete it from my experience.