History of Back up and transfer your Firefox data to a new device

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current   AliceWyman removed for fx114 tags (minor)
Approved M Dan added note that this article is about a CLOUD backup, NOT a local backup (USB-sticks for example) for the article-readers.
Approved M Joergen Payment methods for Fx 122: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1867015
Approved   BD Updated search result summary
Approved M AliceWyman updated link to renamed article (minor)
Reviewed M Nina Star 6
Approved M Mozinet back up -> backup (when used as a noun), fix according to Editorial guidelines for Mozilla accounts, and minor edits
Approved M AliceWyman backup -> back up (when used as a verb)
Approved MT Kiki Move the backup data without an account section to collapsible list and re-word it with QA style
Approved M mconley Temporarily remove the section about backing up without a Mozilla account, as we hope to put the subtopic resources into the FAQ accordion.
Approved M Dayani Lucia G.F. Updated for SEO
Approved M Dayani Lucia G.F. Updated summary for SEO
Approved M BD Mozilla account rebrand update
Approved M mconley This FAQ answer referred to the old button that has since changed to a differently labeled link.
Approved M mconley Copy updates for Device Migration from Content Design based on this Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/qe9yX8x51jjbt6DJYgayg2/Device-Migration?type=design&node-id=4876-46149&mode=design&t=DbMamKTjn0CWsVfY-0.
Approved   BD minor changes
Approved M Fabi Minor fix to version
Approved M Fabi Back up you data later section is only useful for users on Firefox 114 and up
Approved M Mozinet name of the button in step 2
Unreviewed   Mozinet minor edits
Unreviewed   Mark Heijl minor edits
Approved M Fabi Fixed link
Approved M mconley Removed some duplicated text after a link.
Approved MT tasos switching devices initial content
Unreviewed   Fabi

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