History of Unable to install add-ons (extensions or themes) in Thunderbird

Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M Roland Tanglao fix formatting error that causeds 2 bullets to show up for opening the profile folder
Approved M Roland Tanglao remove obsolete warnings and fix menu button
Approved M Tonnes nits
Approved M Wayne Mery nit
Approved M Tonnes nits, revert "blocklisted" for FF/terminology reasons
Unreviewed   Michele Rodaro Steps instead of [[T:Open Add-ons|type=Extensions]]. (The template doesn't work properly)
Unreviewed   DJKing101 Grammar and clarity
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery correction - thunderbird 60 still supports complete themes
Approved M Wayne Mery more nits
Approved M Wayne Mery standardized on the term add-on, shortened descriptions, added sections for theme and lightning, reordered from most likely to least likely
Approved M Wayne Mery missing "*" under To open your profile
Unreviewed   Ryan Sipes Removed last of Firefox-specific stuff regarding opening profile directory. And fixed link at bottom of page.
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery simplify beta warning
Approved MT Ryan Sipes Removing irrelevant information.
Unreviewed   Ryan Sipes Adjusted this further, not sure if any of what remains is irrelevant.
Unreviewed   Ryan Sipes Still much to do, but made slight changes.
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery initial draft - needs much more change

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