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video issues with last 2 updates

scrambled video on auto play sites with the last 2 updates. no issues with other browsers or on mobile firefox browser. no issues with audio and work after a few page ref… (lire la suite)

scrambled video on auto play sites with the last 2 updates. no issues with other browsers or on mobile firefox browser. no issues with audio and work after a few page refreshes

Demandé par Rfulton il y a 1 semaine

Audio on Videos in browser Not working.

Youtube brought up in the broswer works fine with audio/video but on other websites I can view the video and can't hear the audio.… (lire la suite)

Youtube brought up in the broswer works fine with audio/video but on other websites I can view the video and can't hear the audio.

Demandé par MrAdams il y a 2 semaines

Dernière réponse par MrAdams il y a 10 heures