Lost Data in Thunderbird Local Folders
Lost all data in Local Folders today. Using TB 102.10.1. I checked C:\Users\..\profiles\xxx.default\Mail\Local Folders and found files with 0 and 2 kb - all dated 4/10/2019. I had years of data disappear.
Basically filed a couple of emails this morning. Went to look up an old email this afternoon and Local Folders was empty. I had more than 100 folders that disappeared. Had done no other work in between these events.
I have no other profiles on the machine. My inboxes for 4 email accounts are still there with data.
I checked Recycle bin - nothing there but some pdf and mp4 files.
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default is not the normal profile directory for version 102. The default directory is normally "default-release"
I don't see how that helps. I have been using TB since its inception and I installed it on my current computer in 2018. One of the 0 byte files is the name of one of the missing folders in Local Folders. There is a file "work" at 0 bytes and a file "work.msf" at 2KB.
What I'm telling you is for 99% of users, the profile in use is named xxx.default-release.
Do you not have that directory? And are there not recent files in that directory?
I do not have that directory. The only directory is the .default. However your questions have led me to the problem! I had set up my local folders on my D: drive in a folder called "Office". I had renamed it "OfficeX" because of another issue a couple of days ago - forgetting that my TB files were there (I set that up in 2019). Then TB created the "Office" folder again with nothing in it. Figured this out while trying to explain my problem in more detail. So you did ask the right question! Thank you for getting back to me. I did not sleep much last night.