Having trouble setting up sync on 4.0b3pre from 12-2-2010
I just got a Nook Simple Touch. I rooted it with NookManager. It is running Android 2.1. I use Swapper2 to expand the RAM to 512.
The 4.0b3pre build from 12-2-2010 is the last version that will install on this device; so, that is what I am running.
When I go to set up sync, the 3 boxes are blank for the easy, set up. So I enterred my username, password and recovery key manually.
After rebooting my NST, Sync shows "Connected" in the settings. If I click the "Details" button, and push the "Sync Now" button, the status changes to "Not Connected".
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (3)
Honestly, you are using an ancient version of Firefox that uses out of date sync code using an unsupported system so I'm not surprised sync won't work.
Tyler, the NST is on sale now and it comes with Android 2.1. I would not consider that "ancient". You are also plain wrong in your response. FF mobile runs on Andoid 2.1 up to and including 10.0.5esr. My question was not an invitation for you to judge the merits of my tech. It was to ask if anyone else running an older version of FF mobile had the same problem and found a way to work through it. Why did you waste your time posting that?
I never said your version of Android was ancient (although 2.1 is pretty old, being released in 2010), I said the version of Firefox you are running is extremely old. We rewrote Firefox for Android in Version 14, and anything before that is not likely to work well if at all. Only the most recent version is supported, so unfortunately we can't help you with the issue you are having.