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Manage optional permissions for Firefox extensions
Edição 278587:
Edição 278587 de Mozinet em
Edição 286318:
Edição 286318 de AliceWyman em
Resumo em resultado de pesquisas:
Learn how you can manage optional permissions for extensions in the Firefox Add-ons Manager.
Learn how you can manage optional permissions for extensions in the Firefox Add-ons Manager.
When you install an extension on Firefox, you may see a message asking for permission to access data or features.
;[[Image:permissions request]]
Extensions may also request optional permissions to support additional functionality. The first time the extension tries to access those features, you will see a message asking for you to allow or deny those optional permissions.
In the Firefox Add-ons Manager, you can also change access to data or features to your installed extensions at any time.
=View and manage optional extension permissions=
#[[T:Open Add-ons|type=Extensions]]
#Click the name of an installed extension to see more details about that extension.
#Select {menu Permissions} to see all permissions requested by the extension.
#If an extension has optional permissions, they will be shown under ''Optional permissions for added functionality''. Turn each optional permission on or off with the toggle switch.
When you install an extension on Firefox, you may see a message asking for permission to access data or features.
{for fx131}[[Image:permissions request on desktop]]{/for}{for not fx131}[[Image:Fx128AddExtension-Permissions]]{/for}
Extensions may also request optional permissions to support additional functionality. The first time the extension tries to access those features, you will see a message asking for you to allow or deny those optional permissions.
[[Image:Optional permissions request on Firefox for desktop]]
In the Firefox Add-ons Manager, you can also change access to data or features to your installed extensions at any time.
=View and manage optional extension permissions=
#[[T:Open Add-ons|type=Extensions]]
#Click the name of an installed extension to see more details about that extension.
#Select {menu Permissions} to see all permissions requested by the extension.
#If an extension has optional permissions, they will be shown under ''Optional permissions for added functionality''. Turn each optional permission on or off with the toggle switch.