When I enter an email address, auto complete kicks in. I like this. However, autocorrect has among the choices old or misspelled addresses. How 2 delete?
As i enter an email address, autocomplete drops down a list. If I keep typing, I don;t have to click on any names in the drop down. It just fills in and i hit enter. However some of the email addresses in the drop down are either out of date or misspelled attempts. These remain there and often populate the TO: field. In Outlook I could just highlight them and hit delete. That does not seem to work in Tbird. So how can I clean up the auto complete selections?
Усі відповіді (3)
All suggestions come from your address books. You have 2 default books. Find the old addresses and fix or delete.
Thanks, I had no idea that Tbird was saving email addresses to the address book on its own. I thought the address book was strictly from my input. In fact, after all the address book entries I made were the entries automatically made by Tbird. There I found the old ones and the typos I had made that got saved. Now they won't auto populate the To: field Thanks
Your theory is correct for the Personal book. The Collected book "collects" addresses from emails you send. This is the default but optional. You can turn this off.