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Ovekvta hfkdgub fhkftvb ohagubvhj cfgncyv gfjdybbo aice. In.dcogyw. Jvwbo. Jsvsjgxhs

Запитання від Zeeshan Khan 2 дні тому


mechanical property of kevlar49 in case of quasi-isotropic fiber orientation

Запитання від akuma ekram 2 дні тому

Stop Popup asking to Update Password for One specific site

I use one website with a userid and password. Because of the password encryption on that site, Firefox thinks the password changes every time I use it and asks me to eith… (читати далі)

I use one website with a userid and password. Because of the password encryption on that site, Firefox thinks the password changes every time I use it and asks me to either 'Update Password' or 'Don't Update'. If I agree to update it changes the saved password to an encrypted value and the login fails next time I go to the site. I do want to keep the password saved for the site. But I don't want this prompt every time, can I stop it just for this site?

Many Thanks

Запитання від Tim311 3 дні тому