So, I've been suddenly having a little difficulty with my native junk filter not moving all junk into the junk folder. This issue (which I'm not asking about) led me to r… (xem thêm)
So, I've been suddenly having a little difficulty with my native junk filter not moving all junk into the junk folder. This issue (which I'm not asking about) led me to repair my inbox to try and resolve it.
I haven't repaired my inbox in a while, so this repair proceeded to duplicate every email I've received since roughly 2 years ago. I think there were roughly 12,000 emails that repopulated into my inbox.
Searching through them, I found that they were all emails that had been filtered into folders using filters I'd created. It does not duplicate any other emails, only those touched by the message filters. And yes, the filters all MOVE emails, they don't copy them to the new folder. (These are folders I've created.)
I tried deleting the global-messages-db.sqlite file, but I ran another repair on my inbox yesterday and it duplicated every filtered email that's come in since the day before. I had been using Filtaquilla and thought that may be an issue, but I disabled it yesterday and ran the repair again this morning, and it duplicated emails from yesterday and today.
Is this a known issue? Anything I can do about this?
Thank you!