Search Support

  1. Fill password
  2. Password generator first prompt
  3. Empty checkbox
  4. Close button
  5. Privacy & Security option
  6. Toggle on desktop
  7. Dismiss recommendations simplified
  8. select translate to language
  9. select translate from language
  10. Fx129TabSettings-win
  11. Alt text settings
  12. Image alt text settings
  13. Automatic alt text added
  14. Firefox desktop toggle off
  15. Alt text added
  16. Turn off automatic alt text in PDFs
  17. Add image to PDF simplified
  18. tab hover over preview
  19. Tab settings simplified
  20. OpenH264-Firefox129
  21. Fx130betaTabsSettings-win
  22. Fx129ProcessManager
  23. Fx129settings-TabHoverPreview-win
  24. Fx130settings-FirefoxLabs
  1. 1
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 8
  5. 9
  6. 10
  7. 11
  8. 12
  9. 653