Update addon in Mozzilla repository with API
Good morning, I’m trying upload a new version “listed” of an extension to the mozzilla addons repository. I use web-ext sign to upload the version, that’s its ok, but when inmediatly try to modify the compatibility of the addon with desktop version with de API
curl -X PATCH https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v5/addons/addon/******/versions/*****/ -H ‘Authorization:JWT token’ -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d '{“compatibility”:{“android”:{“min”:“109.0”,“max”:""}}}’.
I recive an error.
{detail=Request was throttled. Expected available in 2106 seconds.}
Are there any limitations for the (automated) invocation of the API?
All Replies (1)
Hola Disculpa la demora en responderte, este foro es atendido por usuarios, no tenemos desarrolladores en este foro, sugeriría que consultes en el chat de soporte de Addons: https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#addons:mozilla.org Saludos