I don’t have an actual support question so I’ll just ask rhetorically – When are the UI changes being reversed?
If the title didn’t make it obvious, I’m really disappointed in these new UI changes. I'm not joking when I say that I honestly thought my browser or video driver was screwing up when I restarted FF after this stealthy update, because suddenly, my tabs had barely any visible background and I could hardly read the text on them (you guys clearly thought that through....) I also had the thought that I might have accidentally opened chrome... until I remembered that I hadn't installed it on this system. Imagine my disappointment when I learned that these changes were actually intended.
Then I see one of the devs that worked on this new version talking about how we should "give it a chance" and something along the lines of "change is uncomfortable at first, so just give it time to adjust." The thing is, many of us know what we're looking for in these browsers. We've been using them for well over a decade now and it's actually insulting to suggest that an avid PC user -- one of which has likely been using your browser for many, many years -- is just simply averse to change. I'm not averse to change at all, only bad change. I was literally close to getting a headache trying to read the new tabs and find (yes, I used the word “find” because it required looking closely and searching for tabs that were always easy to see, prior to the update) the tabs I use regularly. It just doesn't make any sense. Adding new functionality, security, and convenience is one thing, but to superfluously change the look of the browser after many of us had grown fond and accustomed to it, and to basically make it look like a bad spin off of IE or Chrome? Why? Why do that? Serious question.
I will thank said dev for one thing though -- thanks for linking to the "Classic Theme Restorer" add-on in another thread. It single-highhandedly kept me from giving up on FF completely and just moving to Chrome. Guess it’s good you guys have non-paid, amateur developers doing damage control for updates like this.
All Replies (3)
Unless I'm missing something, I don't see where anything in those options help with the issues I was having with the tabs, prior to using the "Classic Theme Restorer" add-on.
"Australis Guide for Normal People"
Thanks for insulting the thousands of us who don't like Australis by calling us abnormal. That's it , I quit. One moderator even suggested we switch to Chrome or Opera. I'm going to take that suggestion. Goodby and good riddance.
edited for language, please refer to the Mozilla Support rules and guidelines