when i am typing a reply to an email the email disappears TOTALLY = WHY ?? = WHY ?
I have a new Dell p.c. - and just last week had my old p.c. files / programs incl Mozilla Thunderbird & Firefox transferred to my neo p.c.
Several times since... when I try & reply to an email... and am typing the reply... maybe 1 parargraph - or 2 paragraphs into my reply... I will be typing ...ANNNNND.... BINGO !!! - my reply & the email itself ... DISAPPEAR = TOTALLY !!! = GONE !!!
I have checked in Drafts - Sent - Trash = NO SOAP !! = ITZ GONE !!
WHY ??!!??
Tx-a-million !
All Replies (1)
Check on account your server settings how you treat a deleted mail. Check on account your copies and folders how you deal with drafts.