iFrame counter showing on Firefox
I am running an iframe with rotating banner ads. It runs perfect in IE but when on Firefox, it ads a ">" above the iFrame content every time the ad cycles. Almost like a counter or something.
iFrame code is nothing complex, just using height and width code to keep the frame where I want it.
Link to website: http://www.hardinohio.org/new/Tourism.aspx
Toutes les réponses (2)
Does the code work correctly on other browsers besides IE?
Looks like a problem with the JavaScript code that is used in that frame.
Code like this that highly depends on manipulating the innerHTML code is almost impossible to maintain:
var curImage = document.getElementById("cur_img");
curImage.src = nextImage.src;
var DivStr = document.getElementById("div_img").innerHTML;
var lastindex = DivStr.indexOf("_blank")+7;
var anchertag = DivStr.substring(0,lastindex);
DivStr = DivStr.replace(anchertag,"");
DivStr = DivStr.substring(0,DivStr.length-4);
You should use DOM methods like replaceChild or a combination of removeChild and appendChild to achieve what you want.
See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/Node.replaceChild