How to differentiate between the full zoom and text-only zoom by using keys (Ctrl++) or mouse (Ctrl+scroll)?
Beside the normal keys/mouse zooming in/out that actually uses "full zoom" (i.e. text AND images are resized), I'd like to know if there is an additional key-shortcut that I can use just to zoom in/out only the text (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+scroll = text-only zoom)?
Saran द्वारा
All Replies (2)
Nope, the option for Zoom Text Only / full page zoom isn't selectable from the keyboard. Whichever of those 2 options is selected in View > Zoom is what the keyboard / mouse does. Have you checked the Addons website for an extension that might provide a feature like that?
You can use Alt + V Z T to toggle the Zoom Text Only setting
You can also use this code in Keyconfig or a other extensions that allow to program a button like Custom Buttons 2
var prefs = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService).getBranch(""); var pname = "browser.zoom.full", pvalue = prefs.getBoolPref(pname); prefs.setBoolPref(pname, !pvalue);