Why is Firefoxes Spellcheck so terrible?
Why does Firefox have the worst spellcheck in the history of the creation? Why is the word SPELLCHECK not in the dictionary?!?! When spellchecker is? That's just insane.
Why is Firefox's pattern recognition so terrible that I need to constantly jump over to Google search to figure out how to correctly spell commonly misspelled words? Couldn't Mozilla just ditch the entire spellcheck engine and instead use any of the dozens of free open source spellcheckers out there that have, for example, the word "spellcheck" in their dictionaries?
Tutte le risposte (2)
Hunspell is the dictionary used in the Firefox spellchecker.
I believe that spell-check is the "correct" spelling of SPELLCHECK.
verb (used with object)
to process (a document) with a spell checker; check the spelling of.
Also, spell check.
a check for misspellings by using a spell checker.
Firefox is a great browser but the spellchecker is rubbish. 'Spellcheck' is correct for the verb, by the way; spell-check is the archaic form (we evolve quickly these days).
Totally agree with the OP: Firefox's spellchecker checks against an out-of-date dictionary. Nearly every modern word is given red decoration. The spellchecking is so bad that many of my texts look more like Christmas trees overzealously decorated in red tinsel. This has been the case for many years.
The Linux spellchecker is pretty out-of-date too so Firefox is not alone here.