My sync account verification e-mail expired within minutes.
So, I registered a new sync account. Went to the e-mail after a few minutes to verify it, but the link was already expired.
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (2)
Hey there,
Apologies for this issue, sounds very irritating :/ It seems this is a fairly widespread issue, but as the vast majority of us are volunteers (including myself) we don't have any access whatsoever to the servers for security reasons. Therefore, I've flagged this up for a member of Mozilla staff or someone who can help you better to follow it up - they should get back to you soon.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Curtis Parfitt-Ford
Mozilla Support
We are investigating a few instances of this and would love help narrowing down where this is happening. Is this still happening to you? If possible can you please private message the link.