Unknown timezone "US-Eastern" in "xxx". Treated as 'floating' local timezone instead:
After receiving an iCAL calender vent, Thunderbird Lightning/Calender shows the following error on the error console:
Lightning: Unknown timezone "US-Eastern" in "xxx". Treated as 'floating' local timezone instead: 29 March 2021 All Day BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Mozilla.org/NONSGML Mozilla Calendar V1.1//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210329T115959Z UID:b713e5fb-7c94-40c1-9a7b-28c83d05bb8f SUMMARY:Review Due ORGANIZER;CN=International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection:m ailto:ijcip@elsevier.com DTSTART;VALUE=DATE;TZID=US-Eastern:20210329 DTEND;VALUE=DATE;TZID=US-Eastern:20210330 SEQUENCE:0 DESCRIPTION:xxxxxxxxxxxxx END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
My timezone is Europe/Amsterdam. Version: 78.8.0 (32-bit)
What is the problem? Is the problem at my side or is it caused by the calendar event generator? How to fix this problem?
Tất cả các câu trả lời (1)
wikipedia has a list of valid names https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
I do not see US-Eastern listed. I do see US/Eastern but it is deprecated in favor of a whole host of America/[City name] literals as states make their own decisions on daylight saving I assume.
So I am guessing is is a non standards compliant ICS file you have received. But I am not an expert on ICAL or ICS.