How do I update articles after their first translation?

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还没有人帮忙翻译这篇文章呢。如果你已经熟悉如何翻译 SUMO 上的文章,这就开始翻译吧。如果尚不清楚,到这里了解如何翻译。

How do I update articles after their first translation?

The source (original) articles in English are regularly updated with three levels of edits:

  1. minor edit = Minor details that don't affect the instructions. These minor changes are not important for localizers and they will not be notified.
  2. major edit/content change (default) = more than minor edit, but the change doesn’t diminish the value of the localized articles. Only localizers are notified by mail.
  3. major edits/translation = This major edit changes the content of the article so much that the value of the localization is severely diminished. Localizers are notified about the change and the localized page get an "out of date" header, telling readers that the article is not up to date anymore.

Here are some tips to make the KB update easier.

How can I keep track of all the changes going on?

  1. Go to your localization dashboard.
  2. Click on the Subscribe...button button above the dashboard.
  3. The menu presents you the following options:
    • Waiting for review: Anyone can submit articles. If you are a locale leader you should follow this category in your own language, so you can see when someone contributes to your locale.
    • Approved: Once an article is approved it's visible to the public. Again, follow this in your own language if you are a locale leader.
    • Ready for localization: Once an article is stable in the English version the editors will mark it as ready for localization. If you are a localizer you should follow these updates, so you will always be alerted of changes to the source (English) KB.

Editing an article with a large diff

When an English article has many changes, the diff is large and it's hard to track which changes you've already taken into account in the localization editor. To make it easier, clone the editing page in a new window, put it at the right of the current page and scroll up to the diff. You will have the English source at the far left and the diff at the right.

Localizing Article Diff

Learn more about Reviewer and Locale Leader roles

Now that you know about translating into your language and keeping the KB up to date, you may want to learn more about the roles of Reviewers and Locale Leaders - the people who make sure a KB in their language is coherent and helpful.

Do you have any questions? Do you need assistance while localizing? Please tell us on the Localization discussions forum.




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