Cannot enable threading view for messages
Apologies if this is a very basic question but I've searched for an answer and not found one that works. I'm using Thunderbird 128.4.3 on a Windows 10 desktop PC. If I … (了解更多)
Apologies if this is a very basic question but I've searched for an answer and not found one that works. I'm using Thunderbird 128.4.3 on a Windows 10 desktop PC.
If I click on a message which already has several replies, each reply is opened in a separate tab. I thought there was an alternative to this, and indeed a found a piece about it, which includes this advice:
Enable threading on a folder... Open the View menu... In the Sort by submenu, choose Threaded. Your messages will be bundled into tree structures that can be expanded or collapsed with the > or v arrow next to the subject.
Unfortunately, when I looked at the settings for a few of my folders, the Threaded option was already ticked. But the ladder-with-indents display I w as expecting (and hoping for) doesn't appear. I'd be grateful for any advice.
Many thanks.