While visiting primewire.ag a fake message came up
while viewing the primewire.ag web site which has free movies to view a fake message came up locking Firefox 24.2 esr preventing it from shutting down and even though I cleared the cookies the screen (see enclosed still occurred)
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Note the URL: alert. adsprotectpolice. net
Even though it claims to encrypt my workstation nothing happened. I also noticed Firefox 24.2 seems to pause alot. I have moved down from this version.
edit by James: broke link by putting two spaces in link after the periods. Copy and paste and remove the two spaces if you really want to try the site. The image shows what you would see by going there.
由 James 於
A little more info would be helpful. Here's a guess:
Does it say something about the FBI or Europol? This is a very annoying scam that some users are running into, where you are preventing from leaving the page unless you are willing to click "Leave Page" a huge number of times. And when you restart Firefox, that page gets restored?
For that, try starting and killing Firefox repeatedly with Force Quit as quickly as possible. Usually if Firefox detects that it is not resuming successfully, it will give you a page with a list of tabs and you can select just the ones you actually want to open, thereby avoiding the bad site being restored.
If that does not work, please see this thread for more suggestions: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/que.../981475#answer-516676
Our replies crossed. Same scam, different purported agency.
When you try to watch free movies, you get free malware too.
Waka that is unrelated.
This OP example like the ones in the other thread shows it is about a variation of websites that can open in a tab due to website spam or redirects and such and makes it difficult to close that tab and can trick inexperienced users into thinking they need to pay to get the tab unlocked. These scam sites can occur not just for Windows users but also for Mac OSX and Linux users to show it is not due to malware for the newer variations in last year.
由 James 於
It is related and it is true, not trying to start a argument.
But..... When you pirate things or do similar things, you are likely to get badware (what i meant), which is the point.
由 kobe 於
I agree with you James this has nothing to do with the Primewire.ag site. I beleive the Canadian Police are using this as a scare tactic along with the Canadian Telecommunications co.
I was able to terminate the process but was not expecting such a site to lock up firefox.
mace2, I did not say the RCMP themselves or any other law enforcements are doing this as a scare tactic but rather a group of scammers have created a variety of fake pages that looked like they were from different law enforcements around the world which included the FBI and RCMP to name a couple scare people into giving them (the criminal scammers) money.
由 James 於