URGENT - Can I recover deleted content from an email?
Whilst writing a very long email i decided to divide it into two shorter emails, so I cut the second half off with Ctrl-X I then sent the first email with just the first half of the content. When I went to paste the second half onto a new blank second email to send, I realised that I had done a little cut and paste of "yours faithfully" in the first email AFTER cutting the large section out. So, long story cut short... I have now lost the huge amount of content that I cut out of the first email and only have the "yours faithfully" to paste onto the second email. I had originally saved the complete email with both halves on as a draft this morning, but having sent the first email the draft has now disappeared from my drafts box. Is there any way to either: 1. recover the original draft from this morning that I subsequently edited and sent OR 2. recover the text that I cut BEFORE the "yours faithfully" text that I cut. (Can you "go back" two cuts??) I'm going to step away from the computer and do nothing for now! Thanks
All Replies (2)
What I know Windows now a days don't have more than one single spot for copied text. A recover deleted emails addon doesn't work on draft. So the chanse I see is for you to open your profile in %appdata%\thunderbird\profiles\"Your profile" (thats "some letters.default") Or if you created a new one that profile.
Find your draft-box under mail (or Imapmail) \"account" (or Local Folders) Its the DRAFT without an extension that interests us. For safty copy it. Open it in a text-editor. Maybe you find your missing text here.
gnospen's idea of checking the Draft folder on disk is genius. Note however, if this is a gmail account, then aiui you will find older drafts (there will be lots of them) in the Trash folder.