3.6.13 OS MAC 10.6.6 - cannot open url within Mail with Firefox as default browser
new iMac (March '10) - no problem til last week - as above - when Firefox is my default browser cannot open url's form within Mail. OK when I change over to Safari - but going back to Firefox same issue.
Firefox browser opens but the page does not load....
any suggestions?
Все ответы (1)
I have the same issue. One interesting piece of info is if you quit FireFox (go to dock > right click on firefox icon > quit) Mail will then launch the link into FireFox properly. Somehow though users actions must cause it to fail again. My wife uses our iMac more than I do for email, so I haven't been able to re-create what she is doing to lose the Mail > Firefox functionality. Almost sounds like an OS X bug??