I want my files to always be saved as HTML not htm
How do you get your files saved as html and not htm someone said they found a file of /etc/mime.types
and had to change htm html shtml to
html htm shtml in order for wep pages to be now saved as html
the mimetypes assoication is found in mimetypes.rdf which is now apparently handlers.json
i cant find however htm html shtml so i can change it
another link also said this can be found through firefox, tools, options
but i dont see options after selecting tools
someone plese help me
所有回复 (3)
You can inspect the MIME database key with the registry editor (regedit.exe) and do a search for that MIME type (file extension) via Ctrl+F. Be cautious with editing the registry as there is NO UNDO possible: all changes are applied immediately. You can export key(s) in the registry editor before making changes.
You can check specific file extension keys (e.g. .html) in the registry with the registry editor.
You can check possibly linked MIME types in the MIME Database registry key.
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\
but will that turn htm to html?
that only located one in microsoft not firefox
i dont even know if thats what i need i just want my webpages to be html and not htm